Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Launched our traveling gallery at the Loyola University Museum of Art!!

The first picture is of photographer Thomas Balsamo, me, our Executive Director Jenni VonTobel, gallery project manager Lisa Schuh and Steven Bagby our partner in crime!  The second is Steven walking out of the room right before we opened the doors to the public and the third is the people drinking wine, eating delicious food and taking in the incredible gallery!!
LUMA was blown away at the amount of people who attended this exhibit!!  The flow was non stop all night!!

Talk about incredible!!!  As you guys may or may not know...We started the "i have a voice" traveling gallery with the help of photographer Thomas Balsamo and Steven Bagby from Babgby advertising.   
It made it's debut last week at the Loyola University Museum of Art on Michigan Avenue!!  Yeah Baby!!!  The gallery brings a unique sophistication to Down syndrome and makes you take a second look at our kids and all they have to offer.  To see the wisdom and strength in their eyes through these larger than life photos is something I can not explain.  You need to experience it for yourselves.  The gallery will be traveling across the country and the schedule will be on our website soon!!!   We are also doing a book based on the "i have a voice" philosophy.

Anyways, between the McHenry location opening and the gallery launching (both within 4 days!) I was on an emotional roller coaster!  To see the life the Playhouses have taken on just blows me away!  I still believe that it is all based on miracles that happen to this day but the people helping those miracles grow make me so proud!!  I never would have dreamed we would come so far so fast!  Thanks to all of  you!!!!!!