Thursday, April 24, 2008


I just have to share what I saw at the Playhouse today!  This little guy was a reading machine during his literacy session!  I remember when he started in the GGP program in January and he wasn't even talking that much!  He is only 3 1/2 and it is obvious his mother takes his tutoring very seriously and practices at home because this kid is doing incredible!  Plus our amazing tutor, Beth (a volunteer I might add) really knows what she is doing!   I have seen her work her magic and I am constantly in awe of her.  
After seeing that I know I need to sit my butt down with GiGi and do more reading!  She loves it, but the time.... I just have to make it.  It is so important and she is always so proud when we are doing it.  We have not been in the literacy program for almost a year and it shows!  She really misses it.  She is signed up for the next session and I can not wait!   She is learning phonics in school but the stuff she learned in the literacy program is the stuff that has stuck with her the most!  She still refers to it in school all the time.  Each time she does I feel that guilt for not getting her back in the program sooner but you can only do so much and we are back on track now!  I often wonder if I would have been better off just having her in only one preschool and then used the other time for literacy.   I really believed that the socialization was so important for her and I thought I would squeeze the literacy in but it just didn't happen.  (Can you tell I need to let it go??)